Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it Snow

We had so much fun with our first snow.  The roads were icey and Mom and Dad didn't have to go to work.  We played all day.  First, mom made a sled out of a Rubermaid container and a bungie cord that we used to go on a walk.  She pulled me behind her and it was really fun.  Then I saw some bigger kids going down a hill.  I wanted to do it too, so mom pushed me down a small hill on our lawn.  I fell over, but had lots of fun.  Later we all went sledding on a wooden sled.  Mom took me down a big hill!!  We also built a snowman, but it got knoked over by some big kids.  All in all it was a great snowy experience!

Decorating for Christmas

We got a big tall 8 foot real Christmas tree for the first time this Christmas. It is really pretty and has white lights. I helped Momma get it all decorated, though I focused my energy on the bottom 3 feet of the tree. It looks really great and I get to turn on the lights every night when we get home. I love Christmas and look at my presents every night. I want Santa to bring me Choo Choos, but I could not go get my picture with him because he is a stranger and I got a little scared at the last minute.


Noni got me these fun full body PJ's and I really like them. They have Christmas Elmo on them and they keep me really warm all night! Thanks Noni!

Game Day

These are a few pics from a game day! There was a family one but daddy looked too funny and would not agree to publishing the picture.

The Artist

I love to paint and I am quite the artist. I'm sure those child prodigy people will be looking me up any time now to make a documentary!

Pam and Tim get married

Aunt Pam and Uncle Tim got married so I got to go on an airplane to Austin for a VERY busy weekend. I had lots of fun with Mamaw. She played with me and took care of me while mom and dad did wedding stuff. It was ltos of fun!